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Our Company logo, an Adinkra Symbol meaning Okuafo Pa – “Good Farmer”, is a symbol of our diligence, hard work, and entrepreneurship.  Our investment approach is centered around country-specific Economic Value-Added, Top-down research, and target identification.

Our investment process is based on the concept of EVA, which focuses on finding companies that over time will exhibit characteristics such as strong/growing cash flow generation, sales, margins, and/or asset utilization as well as overall economic impact.


Our process is underpinned by fundamental investment selection aided by our disciplined country allocation framework, with an awareness of the micro and macroeconomic conditions through country-specific analysis.

Once we have identified a potential investment theme, the EKS Capital team conducts thorough research to understand big-picture economic factors to make investment decisions.


Factors like key growth indicators, lessons from other markets, the performance of the sectors/industries, and EKS Capital’s capacity to add value to the target companies. EKS Capital also maps the market to identify and evaluate the suitability of possible target companies for an investment.

Central to EKS Capital’s approach is our extensive Africa-based team whose experience and contacts provide us the market insights and relationships critical to our ability to identify and execute investments and to add value to portfolio companies. Africa is a huge and diverse continent, and covering it effectively requires a significant human resource investment. EKS has developed an on-the-ground private equity investment team with offices and diverse staff in hub economies throughout the continent.



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